2010. 5. 25.

Burning up calories in everyday life!

All of peopel burn up calories in everyday life.
This is burning up calories in daily life.

*to do the ironing : 65 calories
*walking quickly : 114 calories
*cycling : 92 calories
*folding back the blanket : 114 calories
*cleaning : 69 calories
*cooking : 68 calories
*to do the computer game : 44 calories
*sleepiing : 24 calories
*dancing : 150 calories
*bath : 84 calories
*walking slowly : 80 calories
*go up and down the stairs : 141 calories
*eye shopping : 65 calories
*wipe the floor : 114 calories
*driving : 41 calories
*study : 4 calories
*sing : 41 calories
*laughter : 33 calories

This will be a useful sourcc of information!

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